Page name: AFI rockers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-14 17:39:22
Last author: lips like morphine
Owner: rift dragon
# of watchers: 5
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  this is a wiki for all you AFI fans out there.have fun and keep it cleaner than my lil rant up there!!

[lips like morphine]
[x LOVED x]

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2004-08-28 [slipknot88110]: slipknot88110 sup three evils told me to join

2005-01-29 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: no i did not act like this was my wiki i dont know what she is talking about

2005-01-30 [lips like morphine]: fuck u heather!

2005-02-03 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: fuck u fucking bitch talking shit about all idid was join

2005-02-05 [lips like morphine]: well then who changed all of the stuff on the wiki then do u kno?

2005-02-05 [lips like morphine]: but listen i'm sry i don' really mean any of the shit i've been saying heather and i'm sry so will u forgive me?o yea and Ashley Dillion wants to kno if uhave an E-mail address so that she cn E-mail u!^_^

2005-02-05 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: then why?did you say all that shit about me and i dont know who changed your wiki and i dont know if i could forgive you it will take me along time and i do have a e-mail but cant get in to it

2005-03-06 [lock step and gone]: hello people

2005-03-06 [lock step and gone]: i put heathers name in here so dont get all pissed off saying why did you put your name on this wiki

2005-04-05 [lips like morphine]: ok thank u for telling me that!i'm not going to have u banned since u told me urself!

2005-04-16 [lock step and gone]: your welcome and thanx for not banning me

2005-04-26 [O! Valencia!]: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

2005-06-05 [Ravian]: why hello people

2005-06-17 [RANCID Chick]: Hey, I just Vaffanculio!!!

2005-06-17 [RANCID Chick]: I have some pictures of AFI, I don't know whether to put them on this message board or not. I would put them on my house but the guards will delete them....::sad::

2005-06-17 [Ravian]: lol, i have sooo many pics in my house and no one has taken them down for like a year now ;)

2005-06-19 [lips like morphine]: that's awsome that they never take then down!!they always take mine down they once deleted the pic of me that i have on my house now!!:P

2005-06-19 [Ravian]: lol, that suc

2005-06-19 [Ravian]: lol, that sux

2005-06-19 [lips like morphine]: yea it doe i think it's judt cuz he don't like me!!lol j/k

2005-06-20 [Ravian]: well, I've also had like 3 guards visit my house and they didnt take anything down

2005-06-20 [lips like morphine]: hmm...

2005-06-20 [Ravian]: I'm not sure whats up with that but i like it

2005-06-20 [lips like morphine]: y do u like it?

2005-06-20 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: hey samantha and everyone else im bored

2005-06-21 [Ravian]: i like it because i can keep my pics up; im bored too

2005-06-23 [lips like morphine]: yea me too!!so wut's new Heather?

2005-06-27 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: ummm not much just thinking of what to do!!u??

2005-06-28 [lips like morphine]: nuthing at all!! i went to a concert with katy a couple f weeks ago it was awsome!it was a bunch of local bands!!

2005-06-28 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: yeah i always go 2 those with friends and cuzins 4 only 5 bucks!!but its more hard street punk and let me tell you those are not the esiaest mosh pits to get out of!

2005-06-28 [lips like morphine]: really there was no moshimg in this ont though!:Pkaty went to Seether and she got stuck in a mosh pit she had to get this big guy to help her ou of it!!

2005-06-30 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: haha yeah that happens!!and let me tell you some of these mosh pits freaking hurt!!

2005-07-01 [lips like morphine]: at the Braking Benjamin concert ppl were trying to push me into a mosh pit but i pushed them into it instead!!lol

2005-07-01 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: sorry i accidently hit the button twice so i refixed it!

2005-07-01 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: haha thats funny!!well these ppl were all like pulling me 2 go in 1 and like i was holding on to the bars and i was up in the air my feet were and all my friends are like get in andi was like no but i got pushed in anyways and that hurt!!and at my brother in laws concert these metal heads pushed me and i pushed back then he came and pushed me afain then i punghed him in the arm and then ran!!and my sisters pulled me awayi got saved!!

2005-07-02 [Ravian]: lol, nice

2005-07-02 [lips like morphine]: LMAO!!!that's funny!

2005-07-05 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: yeah thanx!haha yeah it was pretty funny!we got pics of it!and on camera!they thought it was funny to!

2005-07-05 [Ravian]: lol, sounds fun

2005-07-07 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: well yeah it is but then ur hurting the next day!

2005-07-07 [Ravian]: heh, I hurt all the time so I'm fine with it ;)

2005-07-07 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: haha yeah!like my friend she got her favorite shirt torn at the show!she was like give me back my shirt after it was half way torn!but i think she threw it away finally!

2005-07-11 [lips like morphine]: lmao!

2005-07-12 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: yeah it was pretty funny!

2005-07-22 [lips like morphine]: ^_^ so wut have u been up to lately heather?

2005-07-25 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: nm just thinking about stuff and been bored kinda you?

2005-07-29 [Fille d'automne.]: I updated the entire wiki for you all! And I made a new wiki!!

2005-08-01 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: cool ok!

2005-08-04 [Frog Freak]: hi guys. its kara! hi heather.

2005-08-05 [Ravian]: eh, i dont know anyone

2005-08-05 [Frog Freak]: i do!

2005-08-05 [Ravian]: well good for you! lol

2005-08-05 [Frog Freak]: lol

2005-08-10 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: haha hi i guess!i no some people i think

2005-08-10 [Fille d'automne.]: you know me

2005-08-10 [Frog Freak]: and me!

2005-08-10 [Ravian]: lol see ya know people

2005-08-18 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: hhaa i do know you katy and kaira and zero cool im sorry i forgot your name bad memory going on!

2005-08-18 [Ravian]: lol, nice one lol

2005-09-10 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: thank you

2005-09-11 [Ravian]: lol, no prob

2005-09-12 [lips like morphine]: katy there's nuthing here!!

2005-09-12 [lips like morphine]:


Missing: </huge>

2005-09-14 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: wow thats big writing

2005-09-14 [Ravian]: yeah it was...

2005-09-17 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: yup

2005-09-17 [lips like morphine]: hey heather!

2005-09-17 [Ravian]: > << uh... hi Heather!!!!

2005-09-18 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: hey samantha and crash and burn??

2005-09-19 [Ravian]: lol, sorry ims just hyper ><

2005-10-26 [Ravian]: come on people let this wiki live again!!!! I summon thee lol LIVE!!! lol

2006-03-01 [afi_gcfreak_#1]: haha yea im just never on here anympore so i dont really put comments

2006-03-02 [lips like morphine]: yea me niether and the sad thing is this is my Wiki!!lol but i never get on the compy anymore!!

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